Languages are divine gifts made to identifiable groups of people living in a known geographical location to be able to express their thoughts and ideas to each other. Even the animal world, in their various classifications, are not left out.
We see that in action in the National Geographic channel when a group member on sighting a prowling predator lets out a shrill alert for all to flee to safety. Every culture in the world community has something positive to contribute to the well being of the global community, and the more such diverse cultures are brought together, the more progressive the society would be. This is exemplified by the US Diversity Visa Program. The key to identifying each culture within a given country is through a native language. Therefore, allowing one language to die is a sure way of losing a social identity. Your indigenous language is your international identity which must be guarded jealously. It is heartwarming to note that most international schools now encourage students to learn their native tongues and participate on cultural days activities where students present dramas/dances in their mother tongues. In time to come, I can see UNESCO declaring a given day as a World Culture Day.
Igbo language identifies a group of people acclaimed all over the world for their republican way of life and disposition to succeed in whatever legitimate enterprise they lay their hands on. Their unique apprenticeship system has attracted attention in Harvard as an enviable commercial model worth global application. In any part of the world they migrate, they integrate easily because their cultural background prepares them ahead of culture shock and challenges. In Nigeria where they form part of the major ethnic groups of the country, they are found, more than any other ethnic group, in all nooks and crannies of the country and, indeed, Africa pursuing education and plying their trades. Igbo culture, driven by Igbo language, if allowed to die would mean that a valuable innovative and creative entrepreneurial identity would all be gone from the surface of the earth. That, for sure, would be a grievous error. That's why an organization as visible and powerful as BBC has joined in the effort to salvage the language. If such a foreign enterprise sees value in Igbo language, why would the owners not be alarmed. This is a big challenge to Ndiigbo. As you assimilate other cultures, they must not be allowed to displace your identity In MTA, the approach to preserve Igbo language is holistic. MTA takes the battle in all fronts teaching the language to the new generation in learner- friendly digital platforms using experts; broadcasting news in Igbo; offering translation( audio and script) and typesetting services to advocacy/advertising agencies so that Igbo language would always be properly presented. Nkemefula is a critical concept in
Igbo culture, therefore all hands must be on deck to preserve and promote Igbo language and culture.
Igbo ga-adi, nihi na Igbo amaka!

Ndigbo find their home in a rich and fertile crescent created by the lower Niger River, predominantly within South-Eastern and a minority in South-Western Nigeria. Their population is presently estimated to approximate forty(40) to fifty five(55) million people around the globe. The Igbo homelands are probably one of the most densely populated regions in Africa.